The story of Williams sports day pancakes (and the rest of sports day too)

So Friday was a VERY fun day. Let me cover the small stuff first, then we’ll get to the bigger stuff. Dante showed up for his once in a blue moon appearance at sports day. Dragon won- congrats. Oh, and I also got my dog on that day. But the only really important thing (aside from my dog) was the pancakes that I had and the story behind it. So I arrived at sports day with R100 and finished my coke, ran long distance (beat Boipelo ) and bought an iced tea so I had 85 rand left (mathematics) and I wanted a pancake. Or more specifically 5 pancakes. But I was at long jump, I really wanted to do long jump because it is REALLY fun, so I offer the R50 plus R20 to get my pancakes (R50 for the pancakes R20 for there troubles) now Gavi and Dante said no, but this random kid said he would do it (looking back I don’t know why)- but I gave him the money and he went to get me my pancakes. I thought it would be immediate, I thought he would come back with my pancakes but no, when I got out in long jump, I tracked down this kid and asked him “where’s my pancakes?!?” He said “relax dude we’re in the back of the line.”… AN HOUR PASSED I had to find this kid again. I found him pulled him aside and gave full access to pick up my PANCAKES to me. HALF AN HOUR LATER!?! I GOT MY PANCAKES.

About william